“Two Stars in the Sky: Remembering Angelica and Eric”



Life is a fragile tapestry, woven with threads of joy, sorrow, and unexpected twists. In the quiet corners of our hearts, we hold memories that shape us forever. Today, I want to share the story of my two beloved grandchildren, Angelica and Eric. They left this world too soon, but their light still shines in the night sky.

Chapter 1: Angelica’s Coma

Angelica was a spirited soul, her laughter echoing through our home like wind chimes on a breezy day. At sixteen, she danced through life with grace, her dreams reaching for the stars. But fate intervened one fateful afternoon. In a reckless moment, her friend lost control of his vehicle and it hit a tree, leaving her unconscious and fighting for her life.

Our family sat by her bedside, praying for a miracle. Tubes and monitors surrounded her, their beeps a haunting rhythm. Days seemed like weeks, and Angelica remained trapped in a coma—a fragile bridge between life and eternity. Doctors spoke in hushed tones, their faces etched with concern. We clung to hope, but reality gnawed at our hearts.

Chapter 2: Eric’s Watery Embrace

Eric, Angelica’s cousin, shared her zest for life. His eyes sparkled with curiosity, and he loved exploring the world. But on a warm summer day, tragedy struck. Eric wandered too close to the deep part of the lake, drawn by its shimmering surface. The water embraced him, pulling him under, and our world shattered.

We searched frantically, but the lake kept its secrets. Eric’s life slipped away like sand through our fingers. His laughter, once so vivid, now echoed in empty rooms. We mourned, not just for Eric, but for the dreams he carried—dreams of becoming a professional baseball player.

Chapter 3: Our Father’s Mysterious Plan

“Why?” I asked the heavens. “Why take them both?” Our grief was a tempest, tearing at our souls. But then, in quiet moments, I sensed something greater—a cosmic design beyond our understanding. Our Father in heaven wove their stories together, like constellations forming patterns in the night sky.

Perhaps Angelica and Eric were destined to be shooting stars, brief but brilliant. Their purpose transcended earthly years. Maybe they whispered secrets to the wind, urging us to cherish life, to love fiercely, and to find solace in memories. Our tears became stardust, sprinkled across the universe.

Chapter 4: Angelica’s Farewell

Angelica’s funeral was a bittersweet gathering. Her classmates, teachers, and friends filled the school auditorium, their faces etched with sorrow. They shared stories—of her kindness, her courage, and the way she danced even when life stumbled. As we look up towards the sky, we mentally send them a message to our celestial travelers.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, I imagined Angelica and Eric hand in hand, exploring galaxies beyond our reach. Their laughter echoed across the cosmos, a reminder that love transcends time and space. And in the quiet of night, when stars blinked like teardrops, I whispered, “Thank you for gracing our lives, my precious stars.”


Angelica and Eric left footprints on our hearts, their legacy etched in the fabric of our existence. We miss them terribly, but we also find solace in knowing they dance among the constellations. Our Father’s plan remains a mystery, but perhaps it’s enough to trust that love binds us across realms. So, when you look up at the night sky, remember: Angelica and Eric are there, painting the heavens with their eternal light.

Till we meet again we will forever love you both.

With all our Love, Maw Maw and Paw Paw Guidry

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